Active Citizens 2021

All 1 Collective is excited to be running the British Council’s Active Citizens workshop programme for people involved in supporting community members during the Covid pandemic. This is an opportunity for volunteers involved in mutual aid groups and local community organisations to reflect on their work and their involvement in the Covid-19 response so far, to learn from others in  Calderdale and internationally and to think about how they can continue to take action.


Active Citizens 2019-20: Coming to Calderdale in November!

All One Collective and Lab is working in partnership with the British Council to run the Active Citizens programme in Calderdale in 2019 – 20. Active Citizens is a social leadership training programme which brings people together with different perspectives and beliefs to learn from one
another and to take action on the local issues that matter to them.

In 2019-20 the programme  is focused on developing social action to address local environmental issues and local responses to the climate crisis.
As a participant on the Active Citizens programme, you will develop the skills, knowledge and motivation you need to bring about change on a local level as well as have the opportunity to connect with and learn from the work of Active Citizens across the world.

Who is it for? Anyone who is over 18 and wants to bring about positive change in their community.

What do you mean by ‘environmental issues’

This covers a very broad array of issues and responses. For example: community clean ups, community support for those affected by floods, community growing and food production, waste reduction (food, textiles, single use plastic), improving public transport, reducing pollution
protecting green spaces etc.

Cost: Workshops are completely FREE and lunch and refreshments will be provided. There is also funds to cover travels costs for those living on a low income.

Orange Box Young People’s Centre, 1 Blackledge Halifax, HX1 1AF
(Wheelchair accessible venue)

Saturday November 2 nd , 16 th , 30 th , December 7 th
A final workshop session will be held in the first 2 weeks of January 2020. The date of this workshop will be decided by the group. In addition to this, there will be a final presentation event involving local councils and organisations. This will take place between January 21 st – 23 rd (TBC).
We ask all participants to commit to and attend all five days of the training and the final event
wherever possible.

10am to 3pm

What will the training cover?

The workshops are interactive, participatory, thought provoking and fun!
You will learn practical skills such as project planning and development and will have the chance to explore the different ways you can bring about change.

  • Learn about accessing networks, support and funding
  • Communication, listening skills, team work and working in diverse groups
  • Self-reflection and self awareness
  • Explore identity, culture and community

International Women’s Day 2019

We believe International Women’s Day is a positive celebration that brings women together to promote solidarity and the building of women’s networks, to highlight women’s achievements and what still needs to be done to secure equality and equity for women in Calderdale, nationally and globally. That is why every year All 1 Collective commits to being part of the International Women’s Day celebrations around Calderdale.

IWD 2019 #BalanceforEquality
March 6th 2019 We will be at Queens Rd Neighbourhood Centre developing an interactive installation on the issues and priorities of local women.

March 13th 2019 – We will also be holding an exciting event at the Piece Hall in partnership with the WEA, the Women’s Centre, the Square Chapel and the Piece Hall.

IWD 2019 WEA Poster.pdf

This will include a performance by Kate Radford, followed by a panel of inspiring women including MP Holly Lynch, Sally Bogg (IT Business Role Model of the Year 2018), Deborah Newbold (Associate Artists Square Chapel), Angela Everson (Women’s Centre), Sisters United and Shirley Allen-Jackson (WEA).

In the afternoon participants will get to choose from 3 brilliant workshops: 1: Phenomenal Woman – radical poetry (Sally Baker); 2. Crafty Collectivism (Harriet Lawton); 3. Interactive Forum Theatre Anna: Daughters of Fortune (Mind the Gap)

The event is free but if you’re interested in coming please register by calling the WEA on 0300 303 34 63 giving the reference number: C3675361


Active Citizens 2018 – 2019 Project Summary

Active Citizens is the British Council’s social leadership training programme that promotes intercultural dialogue and community-led social development. Since 2018, All One Collective has been working in partnership with the Worker’s Education Association (WEA) to deliver the programme in Calderdale and Sheffield. We have been training participants so that they can further develop their skills and knowledge to develop social action projects and to bring about positive social change in their communities.

In December 2018 we hosted a group of Active Citizens who came from Bangladesh, Myanmar, Morocco, Bury and Newcastle in Calderdale on an International Study Visit to see the amazingly vibrant community projects and organisations that exist in Calderdale.

In February 2019 two of our Active Citizens from Calderdale and Sheffield travelled to Ukraine, visited projects there and connected with other Active Citizens from all over the world.

Getting Connected: Feel Good Club

Delivered throughout summer 2018, at Todmorden Learning Centre, the Feel Good Club aimed to improve well-being, reduce isolation and improve emotional resilience for participants

Six workshop sessions were delivered giving participants the opportunity to meet others from the area, explore techniques to develop confidence and self-belief, develop practical skills around public speaking and conflict resolution and to understand and develop active listening skills. Each session ended in a dialogue session using a ‘conversation café’ style methodology.

Following on from the project an informal peer support and meet-up group was established by the participants.